
Rethink Your Fee Structures for Maximum Profitability with LeanLaw

Are you struggling to find the optimal fee structure that balances competitiveness and profitability for your law firm? It’s a common challenge in the legal industry, but with LeanLaw’s advanced fee features, you can regain control and maximize your firm’s profitability.

 Advanced Fee Features Designed for Legal Professionals

Completion-Based Fixed Fees: Managing projects with uncertain timelines? LeanLaw allows you to create fixed fees without predefined end dates. Track time entries against these fixed fees and easily adjust allocations as needed, ensuring accurate billing and project management.

Rate Groups: Simplify rate management by setting standard groups of legal rates that can be applied universally across your system. Define specific rates for clients, matters, or date ranges effortlessly, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring consistency in billing.

Weekly and Daily Recurring Fixed Fees: For projects requiring frequent invoicing, LeanLaw automates charges on a weekly or daily basis in addition to monthly cycles. This automation minimizes manual invoicing tasks, saving you time and ensuring prompt billing for high-frequency projects.

Working Percentage Allocation: Unsure how to fairly distribute revenue from fixed fees? LeanLaw offers flexible revenue allocation options such as working percentage, firm share, value, proportion, or other customizable choices. Tailor the allocation method to fit the unique needs of each engagement, promoting transparency and fairness.

 Empower Your Firm with LeanLaw

By leveraging LeanLaw’s advanced fee features, you can transform how you structure and manage fees, ultimately enhancing your firm’s profitability and efficiency. These tools not only streamline billing processes but also provide the flexibility to adapt to varying client needs and project dynamics seamlessly.

Ready to Optimize Your Fee Structures?

Take charge of your firm’s profitability today. Schedule a personalized demo with LeanLaw to explore how our advanced fee features can empower your practice. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or part of a larger firm, LeanLaw is here to help you achieve greater financial control and operational efficiency.

Don’t settle for outdated fee structures that limit your firm’s growth. Contact us now to schedule your demo and discover how LeanLaw can revolutionize your approach to billing and profitability.

Schedule Your Demo and unlock the potential of advanced fee management with LeanLaw. Let us assist you in developing fee structures that maximize profitability and propel your firm towards success.