Case Study: Law firm bookkeeper reduces billing workflow from one week to two hours

Law firm bookkeeper reduces billing workflow from one week to two hours

The Challenge

The billing process at Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, P.A. used to be a weeklong process: Typing and printing invoice drafts based on handwritten timekeeping notes, getting the attorney to edit page by page, revising the invoice, getting approval, printing out invoices and putting them into envelopes with stamps.

The billing software was antiquated and no longer supported. The bookkeeper was retiring and it was time to modernize. Tammy Kayati, the backup bookkeeper, was stepping up to help make the switch.

The Solution

  • Slashed Billing Workflow from One Week to 2 Hours
  • 20 Hours Less Work each week for the bookkeeper
  • Less than One Hour for LeanLaw customer support to address issues

LeanLaw timekeeping was super accessible: via mobile app, calendar entry, or timers – from anywhere the attorney had an internet connection. Timekeeping was automatically pushed to invoicing in LeanLaw.

The attorney made his own edits (no more handwriting to decipher!) and the invoices were finalized a mere two hours later. Since billing was now automated, Tammy works part-time as the bookkeeper, a 20 hour /week savings for the law firm.

“When I saw LeanLaw and showed it to our most techy attorney, his eyes lit up and we jumped in. LeanLaw customer support has been outstanding.”


Benefits of LeanLaw

  • Workflow Slashed from One Week to 2 Hours
  • Bookkeeper position went from full-time to part-time (20 Hours/Week Saved)
  • Customizes QuickBooks Online with Law Firm Workflows

Read more about how LeanLaw and QuickBooks Online go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Categories to think about:


Accounts Payable

Client / Matter

General Ledger


Band Reconciliation


Conflict Checks



Trust and Retainer

Law Firm Accounting Professionals Weigh In

Caren Schwartz
35-45 Consulting-Global

Changing software is not something your law firm does lightly, nor do you want to do it often. It’s important to do your homework and understand your firm’s needs, analyze your choices, and put together a plan, including project management. That’s the best way to get to a new solution that helps your firm move forward.

Lynda Artesani & Sarah Prevost
The Proper Trust

In our experience after numerous law firm software migrations, the key to success in purchasing new financial software is to understand what critical features are MOST important to your business. Understand how it fits with your current (and future) staff and how your current best practices will work within these new tools. Picking a tool and a partner to help you migrate is essential to the success of this journey.